Democratically-Minded Group Calls For Biden To Address Disinformation With Task Force

man speaking to crowd


A formation of democratically-minded groups recently called for the Biden administration to address disinformation moving forward. This effort was formed to control and/or combat the amount of false information being shared in relation to various events and societal occurrences. The group offered COVID-19, the Capitol Hill insurrection, and the 2020 U.S. presidential election as examples of recent events throughout which falsehoods were prevalent.

This coalition states that fighting disinformation while also fighting censorship is not an easy task. The letter emphasizes the need to both involve and serve multidemographic and multidisciplinary individuals to best achieve the group’s aims.


Just when you thought there weren’t enough efforts to undermine free speech and open exchange of information, there are new actions being taken up. The group admits in their own letter that acting against disinformation while still preserving free speech is a difficult balance to strike.

Noble as the cause is, how this could actually be achieved is beyond us. We see this as a genuine but naive attempt to restrict who can say what, at what time, and where. Of course, free speech principles acknowledge that when you open the door for informed people to talk, you’re also opening the door for uninformed people to talk. This is how free speech works. You don’t win by clamping down on people who make bad decisions; you win by elevating those who make wonderful decisions.

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